Zine Season!!!
I have way too many of these, and I want to give them to you.
This is the third volume of Strange Creatures, and it takes the series in a wildly different direction. I’ve done my best to keep the insides completely under wraps, right down to the obfuscating nature of the cover. There is a lot here, and it’s meant to be appreciated in layers. There is a narrative that runs through the pages, and there is another narrative that runs between them.
The illustrations, this time around, were handled by the wildly talented Izzy Burgwin (https://www.instagram.com/drawinwolf/). She makes art out on Pender Island, drawing from beautiful surroundings and a strange imagination. The illustrations here contained are appropriately apocalyptic.
That’s it. You know the drill: let me know if you want one, and I’ll mail it off to you. And I printed way too many, this time around, so tell your friends, or get one for them. The rest is up to you.
#zineseason #strangecreatures