Zine Publishing
(2019, 32pg, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, & traditional illustration)
Personal and Collaborative Project

Collaborating with an international team of contributors, I edited, designed, and published a 32pg zine. Interior art and writing was primarily from contributors, though I did four spot illustrations and the cover art. Additionally, I took care of fundraising, layout & design, editing, production concerns, and distribution.
Examples of interior layout. Spot illustrations in the right image are my own, and from a contributor in the left image. Eight contributors submitted short stories, illustrations, and even a comic.
In February of 2019, I ran a crowdfunding campaign to pay for the printing of the zine, as well as compensation for contributors. In just under a month, we raised over double our fundraising goal, through a combination of social media marketing and word of mouth.

Visual aid designed for the crowdfunding campaign, to illustrate different tiers of backer rewards. Original illustration and icons are hand drawn, and the layout was created in InDesign.