Strange Creatures Pt. 1: Heaven is a Devil of a Headtrip
Lips like dancing a slow cabaret,
gently hiding starlight.
Repetitions on Earth and Sky
Trees offended the flatness, the bled,
so we plucked them out, and fed
Dreaming of Herons
Have you been dreaming of herons,
Great Blue Herons?
Moss, anticipating, grows to pad your steps.
The last cycle and harvest of storms,
The Drive in Summer
I miss those flies, I guess.
I miss the persistant stench;
Blade of Leaf and Water
How have we come to where we are;
how have we turned down silent rivers,
Geographies of Desire
Waging a war of desire, we
set boundaries between skin and skin,
My Lines, a Field of Wheat
My lines are a field of wheat,
rippling under open skies;
Echoes From Thompson, Varley, Jackson, Harris, Murphy
I could rest here for a while,
under hollow fullness
2 Figures 21 (Salamander) from Graham Coughtry
Colours bleed
Galiano – 1999
Finishing the islands,
God said it was good.
A Poem to Give Some Comfort in the Middle of a Long Winter: Phoenix, AZ
Somewhere, right now, it is evening in Phoenix.
The pavement is bleeding heat,