Writing Samples

Sparx Publishing Long Form:
Galt Foundation – 4 Technologies for an Accessible Workplace
TPD – Comparing Big Tech’s Social Distancing Solutions
CSE – Mining Over Canada Event Copy
CSE – VIU: Tech Strikes Back Event Copy

Magazine Articles:
Pacific Rim Magazine – A Community Prepared
Pacific Rim Magazine – Ancora Waterfront Dining
Pacific Rim Magazine – Raising a Flag

Poetry Journals:
Driftwood Vol. 3 – Hidden Things
Driftwood Vol. 1 – The Heart and the Land
[Spaces] Vol. 7 – Moss King
[Spaces] Vol. 7 – Meditations on the Storm
[Spaces] Vol. 6 – Last Stop
– Most of my poetry appears exclusively in physical chapbooks and zines (and a manuscript I am shopping around to publishers), but these are a few of the pieces published online.

Other Personal Writing Projects:
Mixtape Magic
– I run an ongoing music blog, taking care of most of the writing and all of the editorial tasks. Along with actual editing, editorial mostly consists of corralling and cajoling writers to please submit their promised pieces.
Kickstarter Projects
– The three successful crowdfunding campaigns I ran. The goal for each was raising initial printing funds and paying contributors.