Social Media Posts
(2023, various sizes, Photoshop, phone camera)
Adbusters Media Foundation
Crap Camera Solutions
Along with all the promotional items that I created for the Adbusters book Manifesto For World Revolution, I needed to find a number of solutions to present the book as a physical object. Working on tight deadlines with the lowest-possible-grade phone camera made this tremendously difficult, but the main alternative to photography is the photoshop mockup. And that will not do.
The photoshop mockup is a stale, lifeless piece of work. It is too clean, too singular to ever be a real thing. And the goal of the mockup is to present the book as a real thing—because that sense that it is real is what will sell the book.
The solutions below take a couple of forms. First, leaning in to the artificiality of the mockup and creating a graphic piece to sell key ideas about the book. Textures and dirt are also added to the book to ground it. And second, creating a heavily stylized (but delicately balanced on the light end of the curves layer) b&w identity that could be used for displaying disparate, incredibly low-grade photographs.