Buy Nothing Posters
(2021, 4x5, Photoshop)
Adbusters Media Foundation

Stop Cop City
Campaign Posters and Assets
(2023, Various Sizes, Ink marker, Photoshop)
Adbusters Media Foundation

UnPrime Day
Social Media Post, Posters
(2021, Various Sizes, Photoshop, Writing)
Adbusters Media Foundation

Fantasy Character Generator
(2021, mobile and desktop, html, css, and writing)
Personal Project

Social Media Adaptations
Social Media Posts
(2021, Various Sizes, Photoshop)
Adbusters Media Foundation

Yearbook Template
Yearbook Design
(2019, 8.5” x 11”, InDesign, Illustrator, & Photoshop)
Mountain West Studios

Tome of Tales
Book Cover and Interior
(2018-2019, 6.625 x 10.25”, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, & traditional illustration)
Langara Publishing Project

Dough Boys Bistro
Menu Design
(2019, 31p6 x 60p6, InDesign, Illustrator, & Photoshop)
Langara Publishing Project

Greeting Card Design
Greeting Card Design
(2019, 9 x 6.25”, Illustrator, & Photoshop)
Langara Publishing Competition

Strange Creatures 3
Zine Publishing
(2017, 24pg, MS Office suite, & traditional illustration)
Personal and Collaborative Project

Bird Life
Zine Publishing
(2017, 28pg, MS Office suite, & traditional illustration)
Personal Project

Magazine Layout
Magazine Layout
(2019, 48p9 x 64p6, InDesign, Illustrator, & Photoshop)
Langara Publishing Project